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Small Groups at GHLC

Nate Bauer

A place to make friends, to grow in your faith, to let down your guard a little, to pray together, and to follow Jesus better.

Garden Homes Lutheran Church has launched its newest small group devotional studies. Groups will meet once a week for ten weeks (from the week of Jan. 30 to the week of Apr. 3). Below is some information about the groups and how to join if you are interested.

#1 Reading While Black

Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Hosted by Pastor Doerr. This award-winning 2020 book by Pastor Esau McCaulley wrestles with what the Bible has to say about policing, protest, the pursuit of justice, black identity, black anger, and slavery. Location: Corner Bakery Cafe, 1305 E. Capitol Drive.

#2 The Deep Things of God

Wednesdays at 10:00 A.M. Hosted by Family Minister Paul Marquardt. We’ll cover such topics as: Why God Allows His People to Suffer; What is Heaven Like?; What is Hell Like?; Accepting God’s Will; and the Attributes of God. Location: Garden Homes Lutheran School conference room (room 109).

#3 How to Talk about Jesus (without being THAT guy)

Wednesdays at 4:30 P.M. Hosted by Mrs. Marissa Daniels. For everyday Christians, reluctant/nervous to tell friends about Jesus: practical, tested ways of sharing their faith in the least awkward ways possible. Location: Garden Homes Lutheran School cafeteria.

#4 Joyfully Aging

Saturdays at 1:00 P.M. Hosted by Mr. and Mrs. John and Janet Wesenberg. A Christian’s guide to celebrating God's gift of aging instead of moaning and complaining about old age. Can aging be a blessing? Affirm life as God’s gift, despite our worries, wrinkles, and whining. Participants should fit the profile of “Joyfully Aging.” Location: The Wesenbergs’ home, near 51st and Burleigh.

Sign Up Today!

You can sign up today

  • on the back of the connection card,

  • on our church website, or

  • in the lobby.

Once you sign up the group host(s) will contact you and get you more information.


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